RET AND CET | cospro marketing

Wat is CET & RET?

CET & RET is intended for therapeutic diathermy to produce deep heating without excessive teperature elevation of the skin surface and subcutaneous tissue. La Rochelle is applied to any part of human body without pain, muscular contraction or disagreeable sensation of any kind.

RET AND CET | cospro marketing
RET AND CET | cospro marketing
RET AND CET | cospro marketing

Capacitive Electric Transfer (CET)

CET & RET is intended for therapeutic diathermy to produce deep heating without excessive teperature elevation of the skin surface and subcutaneous tissue. La Rochelle is applied to any part of human body without pain, muscular contraction or disagreeable sensation of any kind.

Resistive Electric Transfer (RET)

It was different from the CET. THE APPLICATION ELECTRODE IS NOT INSULATED, allowing the current to be transferred directly to the patients with less dispersion, thus obtaining an increase in temperature at a greater depth.

The Principle of RF Diathermy

* The treatment site is placed between the plates of a capacitor and becomes the dielectric.
* The RF energy is diffused through the part of the body locate between the plate electrodes.
* The oscillating fields produce distortion of molecules, rotation of dipoles and vibration of ions.
* The movement of the molecules and ions generates heat within the tissues.
* These actions have been shown to have positive clinical effect on enhancing blood flow.

Biological Effects

  1. Increase arterial circulation – vasodilatation – , giving rise to increased oxygeneration and a decreased acidity of the tissues.
  2. Increase venous drainage with greater re-absorption of catabolites and decrease the oedema in areas with inflammatory processed.
  3. Increase the permeability if the cellular membrane, allowing better transfer of metabolites through it.
  4.  Stimulate the immune system and decrease free radicals.